Available Now - Low Tech Erosion Control Online Self Paced Course
For N NV Residents - 2025 Nursery Survey
Helping urban and rural homesteaders create water retentive edible and medicinal ecosystems
Neil Bertrando is a regenerative designer with over 14 years of experience in Permaculture, water management, homestead design, and ecological restoration. He has been a permaculture instructor at OSU since 2014. He holds degrees in Biology and Environmental Science and owns RT Permaculture, an ecological design and education firm.
He specializes in Homestead development, Drip irrigation, Edible and medicinal landscapes, Horticulture, Water harvesting, Erosion control, Topsoil generation, Weed management plans, Agroforestry planning, and Crop diversification.
Needless to say, if you have dreams of developing your property to be a fantastic place that is designed to work with nature, be abundant, and get the most enjoyment out of your landscape, Neil is the designer/educator for you.